삼성의 쿼티 스마트폰. intercept

최신 스마트폰 - 삼성의 쿼티 스마트폰. intercept

Well, that didn't take long, did it? Just earlier today we were talking about how the Intercept was starting to make its way into bits and pieces of Sprint's system , but now, the announcement's here and it's the real deal. Most notably, the Android-powered landscape QWERTY slider will go to market for under $100 (by a penny, anyway) on contract after rebate, making it a value-oriented alternative for the monsters like the EVO 4G and Epic 4G that Sprint is pushing on the high end. Of course, if you pay a midrange price, you're going to get midrange features; the 3.2 megapixel cam with video capture, isn't going to blow anyone away, and amazingly, Sammy has gone with an EV-DO Rev. 0 radio (as opposed to Rev. A) which means you'll be limping along with slower data speeds than you'd expect from your average modern CDMA smartphone. Look for it to hit Sprint's site and stores starting this Sunday, July 11. Follow the break for the full press release.


KT 레일라폰(KU2100), 초기화(하드리셋)에 주의하세요

최신 스마트폰 - KT 레일라폰(KU2100), 초기화(하드리셋)에 주의하세요

초기화는 여타 기기들처럼 아주 간단합니다.설정- 시스템 - 마스터클리어 메뉴에서 초기화를 하거나 혹은 전원이 꺼진 상태에서 볼륨키 아랫쪽버튼 과 카메라버튼을 누른 상태에서 전원을 5초가량 누르고 있으면, LED가 반짝거리면서 초기화가 실행됩니다.일반적으로 이렇게 하드리셋된 스마트폰은 상콤한 공장초기화, 즉 스마트폰을 구입했을때의 상태를 기대하곤 합니다.아무것도 건드리지 않은 하드리셋상태임에 불구하고 몇몇 어플리케이션이 동작하지 않았습니다.대표적으로 SHOW 네비게이션, 메모리....
